Accountability buddy pt.2

Found three great articles from silver lining psychology


Essential characteristics of an accountability partner
An accountability partner is an ally who helps you work toward your goals.

1. Encouraging
2. Challenging... gave me a sense of pride when I completed it successfully.
3. Compassionate
4. But not too compassionate... Find someone who can help you to “suck it up” when necessary so that you can be quicker to dust yourself off and bounce back when you are struggling.
5. Emotionally resilient... An accountability partner who can provide a safe space for you to vent is critical to your growth.
6. Willing to give constructive feedback
7. Sees great potential in you... your accountability partner should be able to see the person you are able to become, not just who you are now.
8. Gives you a break... Your accountability partner should understand when you need a breather, and be there for you to recuperate, plan for the next sprint, and help you reflect back with pride on all of your progress.
5 Tips for working with an accountability partner

1. Have regularly scheduled meetings or check-ins
2. Agree on clear goals... As is the common rule with goal-setting, make your goals are specific and measurable. To make sure you create discipline around goal-setting, use the last few minutes of your meetings to clarify your between-session homework.
3. Keep track of progress between meetings
4. Be honest... own your shortcomings and fess up when things aren’t going well. That way, you can actually do something about it, by getting the help you need.
5. Take periodic assessments... Periodically, take a step back and reflect on how things are going. Is your accountability partner someone with whom you have a good rapport? Are your interactions positive and supportive, yet constructive? Does he or she provide you with useful feedback? Do you feel like you still need outside support, or are you able to go it alone with respect to your goal? Would you benefit from assistance from someone with a different style or set of skills or experiences? Switching up partners every so often can provide you with a variety of perspectives that can give you helpful insights for continued personal growth.
How to create a development plan
1. A clear goal... What would success look like? How will you know that you have achieved it?
2. Specific Action Steps... Now that you have the goal in place, break it down into the specific action steps you will take to move towards it.
3. Deadlines
4. External Accountability
5. Anticipation of Obstacles... Think of previous developmental efforts that went awry – what went wrong? How can you guard against that result this time around? Taking the time to learn from your past mistakes can help you avoid making them again, and keep you in the sort of mindset in which you focus on progress and the journey, in addition to the outcome.
6. Flexibility


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