Accountability buddy

I have a goal of becoming a professional comics artist. The problem is that the people around me and the world in general is indifferent to my aspirations, if not actively conspiring to thwart my plans (aka haters). So, to help I'm enlisting the services of an accountability buddy.
According to:
Quite simply, your accountability partner is a person who will do three things:
1. Help you identify exactly what you want to accomplish in precise detail.
2. Help verify the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal.
3. Make sure you stay on track. 
You’ll talk with your accountability partner about your plans, get feedback, commit to taking action and then check in to make sure you’ve done what you said you’d do.
There is something magical that happens for most people when we commit to another human being – we get “it” done.

The wealthpilgrim article is about financial goals, so I've modified them for my artistic goals.
Are you crystal clear on your comic books goals?
Do you know when you want to achieve those goals?
Have you defined all the steps you must take in order to reach your objective?
Have you created a time-table to complete each step?
Have you stuck with your time table and completed each task as planned?
Accountability is a powerful tool for achieving lasting change. For many, being accountable to themselves can be difficult so finding an accountability partner (someone who is supportive and will check in with them regularly and help hold them accountable) is a great option. Why? Because a person may find it easier to stay on track if they have to report their progress--both successes and failures--to somebody else. It's an extra nudge in the right direction and an opportunity to give and receive support and encouragement when the going gets tough or internal motivation is in short supply. A little accountability can have a bit impact!
Give it a try: find someone who's ideally working on the same goal or habit you are and who is willing to do a daily check-in with you to make sure you're staying on track. Talk about any challenges you're experiencing and share ways that you're both overcoming them. And definitely share in each other's successes, it adds fuel to fire of change within. Good luck! :)
And some articles from fast company that are more in a business context:


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