Making art again

I don't know what I've been doing for the past couple years, but I haven't been making art since I moved to NYC (around 2006). Really, since I left Richmond. I think I sort of gave up on it. Somehow, I've found myself again and am ready to start making art again.

Actually, I know what I've been doing... I've been trying to be commercially viable. I worked as a graphic artist and had ambitions of being an art director. I learned how to make video games and thought I'd make a go of it as an indie game developer. I studied business and am working towards an Associate degree. I got my Master's degree in illustration. Thought I could make a living as an illustrator. I tried to make it as a DJ / producer.

I'm currently focusing on making comics. It feels a little forced to me though. Not that I don't love making comics, but I truly feel it is only a part of who I am, who I want to be.

I've been reflecting on how I want to live. And how that fits within the limits of reality. Trying to integrate my various interests. I've been keeping multiple spreadsheets to track my goals in three areas: my personal life, my comics and my music, but now I'm trying to consolidate into one.

I used to show my art and sell my art, but for some reason I gave up. I saw it as impossible to earn a living through it. Doubted myself. Doubted the universe. Doubted humanity. Doubted art. And now I see that doubt for what it is. And I replace that doubt with resolve.


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