works and reworks

here's an article about this whole thing sorta related to my last post.

“At some point, we must remind ourselves, any changes we make to a creation no longer make it better but just different (and sometimes worse),” Dr. Alex Lickerman wrote in Psychology Today on the topic of just getting things done. “Recognizing that inflection point — the point at which our continuing to rework our work reaches a law of diminishing returns — is one of the hardest skills to learn, but also one of the most necessary.”

Voltaire: “Perfect is the enemy of good.”

But here’s the key: Somewhat paradoxically, research has shown that satisficers are more satisfied with their decisions than maximizers are.

and my response (via twitter)

Replying to 
I like to make different versions, which is the best of both worlds: getting it done and getting to rework it endlessly. For example, I may finish a piece of music and publish it, but I can rework it and publish a newer version later (aka remix or VIP).


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