A sad day - My friend's cat's last day [warning - may be upsetting]

I got a text at 6 in the morning that my friend might have to put her cat down. 6am is usually about the time I go to sleep and I tried texting back without any response. I wanted to be there.

I cat-sitted for a week; this cat and another cat. He was some kind of sick at the time, with bleeding and mucus from his nose. I was hoping it was a sinus infection, but there was a possibility of a tumor.

...Several months later I got the text. I went to sleep and woke up around 2pm and we took the cat to the vet.

...It was serious and the decision was made to put the cat to sleep.

This part is really the reason for this whole post. During the euthanasia procedure, while we were both crying and kissing and petting him, though sleepy and sick, he moved his head toward each one of us, in turn. As if, to comfort us each, individually and say goodbye to each of us individually.


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