Dreams, delusions, comics and hoarding

I think I'm a borderline hoarder. I've always wanted to be a professional comic artist. The two are evidently intertwined. I also want to live a more minimalist life.

I realize I simply don't have the space for all my books, art supplies and comics that I own, nor the the energy to manage all my stuff. I really just wish I had a bigger home, but perhaps that would just extend the situation. I also don't have time to do all the art projects and read all the books I have, but still I cling to all these things.

It feels like a mental and temporal burden. It's like a sort of mental / temporal debt, all these dreams, ideas and projects. Though each item is paid for in money, but have not been paid for in time and effort. Those are still due. And the problem is, I have more to do than time to do it.

That's the definition of stress. Not having the resources to cope with the demands of life. For my own mental health, I would like clear my life of these things and their concomitant obligations.

  • What is my excuse for keeping certain things? (and possible rebuttals / solutions)
  • I feel like I'm saving stuff for posterity. As if, these things will be forgotten by history if I don't preserve them. 
    • I can maybe take a picture or scan these things for posterity
    • no one really cares or will care
    • it's not worth my time
  • Also, I regret having gotten rid of some things in the past, when I basically got rid of all my possessions in my late 20s.
    • I should keep the few things I really want to keep
  • The stuff is all so cool
    • I don't even have time to enjoy them all
    • I don't have time to enjoy my favorite things, because I just have too much overall
  • It's a waste of money
    • the money is already spent
    • if it's a waste, I should spend more wisely in the future
    • it's not a waste, but I got some enjoyment from them already
  • Perhaps I could sell some of this stuff
    • then I should go ahead and sell it
    • no one would really want to buy the stuff anyways

Part of my excuse, or my reasoning, is that I'm an artist. That this is my business and the problem is I don't have a separate studio, which ends up filling my living space. But really, though I am an artist and make some money from my art, I'm far from being a professional and supporting myself solely through my art. So is this all a delusion? A dream and I need to confront reality before reality confronts me?

My plan for now

  1. So, I'm going to start with halving my collections of

    art supplies
    digital comics
    digital books
    digital magazine
    digital files
  2. Post items on ebay and amazon to sell, and if they don't sell there, sell them at a used book store.
  3. Clean out my storage space.
In the future
Perhaps I can direct my love of collecting into liquid assets like stocks and bonds or assets that better retain their value like fine art or real estate.


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