Is there a way for me to be an artist, that is more conducive to living a minimalist lifestyle.

Is there a way for me to be an artist, that is more conducive to living a minimalist lifestyle.

One approach is to go digital. That does save on physical space, but then you end up with a bunch of digital things to keep track of.

Another approach might be to just spend more time and put more detail into each piece. This would decrease the rate of accumulation of things and make each individual piece (potentially) of higher quality.

Another idea would be to just not attach too much importance to regular sketches and doodles. just make em, document the best and throw the rest away. I do a lot of that already.

Perhaps I can just make digital art? Video games perhaps. Just make music. Real, tangible art is something pretty magical; I'm not sure I could ever stop making real things. What about just doing performance art. Social art. Other things to consider.

For now though
This is a line of inquiry I'm going to continue. A line of development of my art practice and process.

The bigger question is why an art and why an artist? I know people are so hung up on defining themselves and their place in the world. But it's just a status idea and perhaps isn't real or necessary.


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