Artist Self-Interview

  1. What inspires you to make art?
    I am inspired by other art (stuff that other people make) and nature. Which is, pretty much everything.
  2. What is the meaning behind what you do?
    Expressing my point of view.
  3. Origin Story
    I was always good at art, but never even realized you could go to college for art or make a living as an artist. It was not part of the life I was raised in. My view of the world was very narrow. I got a full scholarship to college and after my first year, I changed my major from pre-physical therapy to art. From then it's been a long journey of discovery and expanding my worldview.
  4. Why do I follow my calling to be an artist?
    It doesn't a lot of sense, practically. But I love it. And I believe in love.
  5. When did you realize that you needed to be an artist?
    There's always been a lot of self-doubt for me. I've never actually earned my living as an artist, so it seems foolish if not delusional that I need to be artist. But, I've come to accept myself and know deep in my heart it's what I want to be. 


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