Plan for music releases

I'm really enjoying DJ'ing again lately. And I'm really getting good and making some really creative mixes. It's something I've been doing my whole life, starting out making mix tapes back in the day.
I've also gamified it for myself, which makes it more fun (addicting), especially considering I'm not getting paid to do it:

I'm now in the habit of numbering my mixes and have a streamlined workflow for creating the mix, creating the cover art, uploading and promoting them. I've also put a lot of work into cataloging my music collection and organizing my mix archive. 

I also make music, but the process is more unorganized and at times overwhelming. I was contemplating giving it up, to focus on comics and mixes. But I came up with a way to streamline and gamify the music production process, so it will hopefully be more fun.

Similar to the way I number mixes, I'm going to number my tracks. I'm going to release singles and therefore work on one track at a time. The release number will be the same as the number of the track in terms of my complete history of music production. That is, release 200, will be the 200th track I've ever released. 

There's something really satisfying about numbers that helps keep me motivated to make music.


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